PR Photography - Press Photography Assignment At Amberley Museum Sussex
PR Photography Assignment - Amberley Museum in Sussex.
Here's a selection of my favourite photographs I created while covering an assignment at Amberley Museum in West Sussex, UK. I had a fantastic day working alongside Caymen, the museums marketing officer, to create these images. The editorial photos needed to show the museum was back open for business after several months of closure due to the COVID-19 lockdown. I have many years of experience working as an editorial and PR photographer, and my client booked me for the assignment as they required high-quality images suitable for editorial use. They also needed some help to distribute the photos quickly to both the local press in the area and the UK national newspapers and media outlets. Something that I was more than happy to assist with on the day as I have many contacts within the industry.

I think my favourite image has got to be the photo at the top of this page. It shows museum volunteer, Alan and his nine-year-old grandson Charlie filling up the radiator of a vintage bus. Alan's smile brings the photo alive.
How about you? If you were a picture editor and could only use one photo in the article, which image would you pick? Let me know in the comments below, as I would love to hear your choices.
And when you're done being a photo editor for the day. Head over to the museum's social media accounts (links below) to see how the museum has already started to use the images to promote the reopening to their followers.
Till next time, keep smiling, and I'll be sure to share some of the press coverage the photos received in due course.
Amberley Museum Social Media Links
Facebook Page :
Twitter Account:
Instagram Account: